FREE Excel Action Item Tracker Template


In order to be a successful project manager, it is important to keep track of action items. Action items are tasks that need to be completed in order to move the project forward. By tracking action items, project managers can ensure that all tasks are accounted for and that nothing falls through the cracks.

What Are Action Items?

Action items are tasks that need to be completed in order to move the project forward. They are typically assigned to specific individuals and have a due date. Action items can range from small tasks, such as sending an email, to large tasks, such as designing a new product.

The 3 Ws of Action Items

When creating an action item, it is important to consider the 3 Ws: who, what, and when.

Who is responsible for completing the task?
What needs to be done?
When does the task need to be completed by?

How to Write Action Items

When writing action items, it is important to be clear and concise. Action items should be specific and measurable. For example, an action item might be “Send out survey to customers” or “Create marketing plan for new product.”

Action Item Examples

Some examples of action items include:

Create a project timeline
Develop a budget
Create a marketing plan
Design a new product
Conduct customer research

Benefits of Using Action Items

There are many benefits to using action items, including:

Allows project managers to keep track of all tasks that need to be completed
Ensures that all tasks are accounted for
Helps to prevent tasks from falling through the cracks
Helps project managers to delegate tasks

What Is Action Item Tracking?

Action item tracking is the process of keeping track of all action items that have been assigned. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as Excel spreadsheets, project management software, or even a simple notebook.

Things to Consider When Creating an Action Items List

There are a few things to consider when creating an action items list:

Identify all tasks that need to be completed
Assign a due date to each task
Assign each task to a specific individual
Create a system for tracking action items

How to Make an Action Item List

There are a few different ways to make an action item list. One way is to use a project management software, such as Asana or Trello. Another way is to use a simple Excel spreadsheet.

Action items for software developers Example

Some examples of action items for software developers include:

Write code for new feature
Fix bugs in existing code
Write unit tests
Create documentation

Action items for a marketing team Example

Some examples of action items for a marketing team include:

Create a marketing plan
Conduct customer research
Design a new product
Develop a budget

HR action item example

Some examples of action items for HR include:

Develop a training program
Conduct a performance review
Create a budget

Common mistakes when creating action items

There are a few common mistakes that people make when creating action items:

Not being specific enough
Not assigning a due date
Not assigning a responsible individual
Not creating a system for tracking action items

Vague action items

One common mistake that people make when creating action items is to make them too vague. For example, an action item might be “Improve customer satisfaction.” However, this is too vague and it is not clear what needs to be done in order to improve customer satisfaction.

A better way to write this action item would be “Conduct customer research to identify areas of improvement.” This action item is specific and it is clear what needs to be done in order to complete the task.

What is the action item list?

The action item list is a list of all action items that have been assigned. This list can be used to track the status of each action item and to ensure that all tasks are accounted for.

How do you identify action items in a meeting?

There are a few different ways to identify action items in a meeting. One way is to take minutes during the meeting and to identify all action items that are discussed. Another way is to assign someone to be responsible for identifying action items.

What is an issue vs action item?

An issue is a problem that needs to be addressed. An action item is a task that needs to be completed in order to address the issue.

For example, if there is a problem with the website crashing, the issue would be “Website is crashing.” The action item might be “Fix bugs in website code.”

What is a meeting action list?

A meeting action list is a list of all action items that were discussed in a meeting. This list can be used to track the status of each action item and to ensure that all tasks are accounted for.

What is action item status?

Action item status is the current status of an action item. This can be used to track the progress of each action item and to ensure that all tasks are on track.

What is an action item report?

An action item report is a report that shows the status of all action items. This report can be used to track the progress of each action item and to ensure that all tasks are on track.

Tips for writing action items

Here are a few tips for writing action items:

Be specific
Be clear
Be concise
Assign a due date
Assign a responsible individual

Key takeaways for creating effective action items

Here are a few key takeaways for creating effective action items:

Be specific
Be clear
Be concise
Assign a due date
Assign a responsible individual
Create a system for tracking action items

What is the difference between agenda and action items?

The difference between agenda and action items is that agenda items are items that will be discussed in a meeting, while action items are tasks that need to be completed.

What is action agenda?

An action agenda is a list of all action items that need to be completed. This list can be used to track the progress of each action item and to ensure that all tasks are on track.

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